Thursday, April 3, 2014

St. Louis Blues Host First Ever Faith Night

The St. Louis Blues organization embraced for the first time Faith Night. The St. Louis Cardinals and the St. Louis Rams already host similar events for fans to enjoy uplifting messages and family oriented activities. I have attended events from all three professional sports teams and as an ordained minister I have thoroughly enjoyed each one. I have brought various friends and colleagues with me when I attend these events. Their level of delight has varied depending on the event.

The most enjoyable time I have experienced was during a Faith and Family Night hosted by the St. Louis Cardinals. The Cardinal organization goes all out for their Faith and Family Night. They advertise extensively and offer fans the unique experience of interacting with players, coaches and executives in the organization. Fans are able to listen to how faith has impacted these individuals and where they are in their walk with the Lord.

The St. Louis Rams also offer a similar experience. Although not being a football fan, I only attended one game that was geared towards faith and family. Following the game fans were able to hear from players past and present. The players shared their experiences and offered uplifting messages. The Rams also advertised this event extensively and offered discounted tickets as well as fan packs.
Image from Country Primitive Gatherings
The Blues made a valiant effort in hosting their first ever Faith Night. I admit to being surprised that the Blues organization actually followed through and offered this event. I had written an informative letter to the Blues organization prior to the start of the 2013-2014 season detailing my experiences with other professional sports’ organizations hosting this type of event. I had not heard anything from the Blues organization and to be honest, I did not expect a response. The Blues organization is notorious for less than stellar communication skills. Their number one concern is not excellent customer service; it is milking fans for every penny they can as ticket prices keep soaring as do concession prices and gift shop prices. I found out about this event simply from browsing the Blues’ website.

I was excited to learn that about Faith Night with the Blues, hosted on April 1st. It was certain to be an amazing game since the Blues were hosting the Philadelphia Flyers. The Blues offered an incentive to purchase tickets in the form of a free hot dog and soda per ticket. Wow, what a deal! For those who do not know me, this is a sarcastic remark aimed at the Blues organization. Fans had the opportunity to hear a message from first Chris Mizel of Child of God Luthern Church and then Troy Merseal of SunRise United Methodist Church. Interspersed before, between and after the speakers were trivia questions about the Blues and some pertaining to current Christian artists. While the speakers delivered excellent messages and I was riveted to my seat as I listened, I was actually disappointed in the preparations that had been made. This was indeed a unique experience for me. Maybe the St. Louis Blues organization does not have players, coaches or executives who wanted to participate in such an event, but the organization as a whole could have offered a little more to the fans that supported their first attempt at Faith Night.

The Blues organization has a long way to go before catching up with the Cardinals and Rams in the fan experience during Faith Night. I am happy to see them taking strides toward incorporating this into their promotional schedule and wish them the best of luck in future seasons hosting this event.

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